Wow! Nothing like having 2 kids to make your Blog(s) take a back seat!! I love being a Mama of 2 but holy cow there is no such thing as ME time any more! With just Logan I could always carve out a little time to write a post here, check email in detail there or even watch some TV but all of those things are the least of my priorities these days! If I didn't have a smart phone I don't think I'd have read an email since Nora was born! Ha!
So in my absence from the blog world, we've been having a LOT of fun! We've gone to some great parks, had my Dad visit, Jason's Dad has visited several times on his way either back to LA from Rio Vista or vis versa which was been really nice! Nora has been growing like a weed and is just the sweetest little baby - she is making Logan look like a DIFFICULT baby which is crazy because he was pretty easy too! Big Brother Logan is in love with his baby sister and always wants to kiss her and cuddle with her and he REALLY wants to help me put her binky back in her mouth; but his inability to know how much pressure in a babies mouth is TOO much makes him my binky ASSISTANT so far...yikes! He's fed her a couple of times, but isn't too fond of it haha...the minute she starts squirming he's outta there! While he's a dream with her he's been less than precious with me. His Dr described this stage as "FIESTY" and yup! That's a great way to describe it! My obedient little angle has turned into a boundary testing, sassy mouth monster! It's faaaaantastic. And although I feel like my days are filled with more disciplinary action than fun times when it comes to Logan, I know my "hard-ass" ways will pay off when we have a well adjusted and well behaved child and hopefully teenager some day! I can take the brunt of this developmental stage as long as he's sweet to Nora and pretty sweet to Jas (Jas still gets some tude now and then...).
Anyway, here are some pics of our adventures over the last few weeks! Enjoy
Water Fun @ Sycamore Valley Park |
Soaking wet and happy as a clam!! |
"Watch this, Mommy!!" Love it! |
Pure and utter happiness! |
Superman! |
He was literally too cold to smile! This was his best effort but he was shivering so bad! |
Auntie Angelique is visiting for the summer from Italy and practicing her Mommy skills before her baby is due in December! |
This is at a neighborhood park near Desiree & Gary's house - its AWESOME! |
That Giraffe had water coming out of his mouth for awhile! |
Having fun and making friends |
Watching Nora... |
Hot weather in the East Bay called for a hefty investment of $12 to make us all happy! |
Happy Baby! |
Pulling double duty |
My life right now! |
It really is exhausting being THIS adorable! |
Having fun at the Concord KidsFest |
No fear! |
Handsome and happy! That's my boy! |
Seriously, the kid is BEGGING for a trip to Disneyland!! |
Anticipation... |
1 year ago Logan was so scared to ride on something without Jas or me...I think he's over that... |
Mommy and Logan (note to self - NEVER wear this sweater AGAIN!) |
If I look like I'm jogging in this pic, I practically was! These ponies went FAST! |
Mommy, Logan and Strawberry the pony! |
Like Father like Son...having FUN FUN FUUUUN! |
Best picture ever! |
Arms up! |
YAAAAA! | | | | |